LEGAL AID - supporting documents
In order to be able to submit the application towards legal aid to the Legal Aid office, in order to be able to represent you, please provide the following documents to the Attorney:
1. A “composition de ménage/attest gezinssamenstelling” from your commune.
2. A proof of income for all the adult persons registered at your address as follow
2.1. If you are on unemployment benefits:
o A certificate from the institution providing you with unemployment benefits, or a bank account statements from which the amount perceived can be ascertained.
2.2. If you are on work incapacity:
o A certificate from the “mutuelle” from which the amount of the benefits can be ascertained.
2.3. If you are on government assistance (CPAS/OCMW):
o A statement from the CPAS/OCMW concerning the amount of the financial assistance received.
* If you have dependents, this must be mentioned on the certificates provided in the three cases mentioned above.
2.4. If you are handicapped:
o A certificate from FOD Sociale Zekerheid/SPF Sécurité Sociale stating you received income-replacing benefits (Allocation de Remplacement de Revenu/Inkomensvervangende tegemoetkoming).
2.5. If you are employed:
o Your last 3 payslips (fiche de salaire/loonfiche) + unemployment benefits in case of part-time employment + meal-vouchers and 13th month, end of the year premium and holiday premium.
2.6. If you are employed through on a contract through a temporary/interim agency:
o A certificate from the interim agency for the 3 last months + details of the unemployment benefits perceived for the 3 last months if applicable.
2.6. If you are self-employed:
o The balance sheet for the last 6 months.
2.7. If you are retired:
o A certificate for the “garantie de revenus aux personnes âgées GRAPA/inkomensgarantie voor ouderen IGO” of bank statements for other retirement benefits received (+ holiday benefits paid in May)
2.8. If you are a student:
o A school certificate and a certificate from the CPAS/OCMW specifying whether the person in question receives income from them or not.
2.9. If you do not have any income:
o A statement from the ONEM/VDAB and the CPAS/OCMW that you do not receive any income from them + Sworn statement to be signed by all the persons that are older than 18y.
2.10. If you are under debt administration:
o A statement from the debt administrator specifying the amount of the allowance that is available and whether savings have been constituted.
3. The last income tax payment request (avertissement-extrait de rôle/belastinguittreksel) for all persons older than 18y.
4. If you have savings in excess of 5,000 €: provide a bank account of less than 2 months old.
5. If you own one or more houses: the last income tax payment request and property tax statement (cadastre/kadaster).
6. If you own a car, the road tax.
7. The proof of alimony payments received or paid.
8. If you do not receive any alimony, fill in the sworn statement.
9. The Legal Aid Form (all 3 pages) filled, dated and signed (Click Here to download the form).
! Please note that the composition de ménage/attest gezinssamenstelling, proof of income, alimony and savings, these documents may not be older than 2 months.
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The legal aid ceilings as of 1 September 2023 are as follows:
Total legal aid is granted to:
– the single person with net monthly income of less than 1.526 €
– the cohabitating person when the household has a net monthly income of less than 1.817 €
Partial legal aid is granted to:
– the single person with net monthly income between 1.526 € and 1.817 €
– the cohabitanting person when the household has a net monthly income is between 1.817 € and 2.107 €
For each dependent person, an amount of 334,73 € has to be added to the above-mentioned amounts.