Validity period of the settlement permit and residence permit for third-country nationals increased to 10 years

A Royal Decree of 3.10.2021 increased the validity of the "K-cards" and "L-cards" to ten years, in order to improve consistency with the validity-span of the "EU+ cards" and the "F+ cards".

Before the entry into force of this Royal Decree, the settlement permit and the residence permit issued to long-term residents were valid for five years.

Indeed, the objective of Directive 2003/109/EC was to bring the legal status of third-country nationals closer to that of EU citizens.

(Entry into force on 11.10.2021)


1.   Royal Decree of 3.10.2021 amending the Royal Decree of 8 October 1981 on access to the territory, residence and residence permits.

2. Stradlex - Révision à la hausse de la durée de validité de certains titres de séjours en Belgique, (14.10.2021)

3. Wolters Kluwer, Jura – La durée de validité du titre d'établissement et du titre de séjour des ressortissants de pays tiers est portée à 10 ans (12.10.2021)

Publication date 3.11.2021